Exercise Equipment


As part of a research study, I had a Peleton for a year.  I liked it, because it pushed me to ride harder than I might not without competing with others and guided workouts.  I have gone back to my Wahoo Kickr, because I like to ride on the same bike inside as I will ride outside.  

See on Amazon

My favorite piece of exercise equipment is probably my Wahoo Kickr.  I can put my regular bike on it, and it feels like I’m riding it outside.  You can also use a variety of apps to race other people or do various rides around the world.  (That part requires a little tech saviness.).   I love riding it in ERG mode.  In ERG mode, I set at a specific power.  If my cadence is fast, the resistance is less, if I start to slow my cadence it adds more resistance to keep the same power input.  This encourages maintaining a fast cadence throughout the ride.

See on Amazon

There are several different apps that will pair with the Wahoo Kickr, that will adjust the resistance as you get to different parts of a ride you are watching on the screen, as you ride in a “bike race” against others.  The most popular is Zwift.  I would be interested to see comments on others.

I would suggest joining a gym before buying a lot of exercise equipment.  Going to the gym, will be more affordable, get you out of the house and socializing with others.  If this is not an option, you might consider a piece of equipment you can use in your home. These can be expensive, so if you put down the money, you better commit to using it everyday!

Elliptical Machine on Amazon


There are a lot of treadmills on Amazon that are surprisingly inexpensive.  I have no idea if they are any good or how good the quality is.  Definitely worth shopping around, or buying locally so you can try it out before you put down the money. This is the peleton one which is expensive and I think requires a subscription.

Peleton on Amazon link


I was struggling with hunched shoulders.  I reached out to others with Parkinson’s disease and one thing that others found helpful is rowing.  This will help strengthen the muscles that will help prevent you from slumping. Most gyms having rowing machines, so you probably don’t need to go out and buy one.