Introduction to Parkinsonz Disease
A Parkinson’s diagnosis is a terrifying and life changing moment. For many of us, we initially imagine a future in which we would be a steady downward trajectory that would lead to complete disability within a few years. Even me, a physician was completely overwhelmed and took about a year to come to terms with the diagnosis.

My husband and I after Steamboat half marathon 2024.
Four years later, and I am happy to report that I am in far better physical shape and my life has more meaning and purpose than it ever has. I owe this mostly to meeting and connecting with others who have been there and had been living with this disease for years.
I continue to be inspired when I meet people like Rhonda Foulds, who was diagnosed with PD in 1998, been through multiple DBS surgeries, and revisions, and is still running marathons. She has run over 100 marathons, including Boston 10+ times.
Thank you.

My hero: Rhonda Foulds Diagnosed with PD 1998 Boston Marathon Medals