Running Shoes
It is important to take the time to find a quality pair of running shoes. Many running speciality shoe stores can help analyze your gait, and find the best shoe for you. I do best with a well cushioned shoe that has good traction. For many with Parkinson’s Hoka Shoes have been ideal because of the added cushion.
I recently bought a pair of LA Sportiva trail running shoes, and I love them. Admittedly it was an impulse buy. I saw them on sale at REI, and I thought they looked cool. I tried them on and liked the way they felt when I ran around the store. I like that they are lightweight, have good support, and excellent traction and slip resistance. Brooks and New Balance also make great running shoes, and have options for different widths.
Here are a few links to check out some of these options.
I love the Brooks Ghost and have probably gone through more than 8 pair in the last 5 years. I have recently started trying trail running shoes because of the improved traction and cushion. These are a few options. Make sure to shop around, as the previous year’s version is often on sale and is not that much different. Brooks regular running shoes also have good traction, but if you are going to be out on snow, ice or wet surfaces you might want to consider a trail shoe.
New Balance
I like that New Balance makes an effort to make some of their shoes in the US. I also like that they offer shoes in normal width, wide and extra wide. I have not tried these shoes but they look very well cushioned and appear to have great traction.