Tools to Stay Motivated

Become Someone Who Inspires Others
By holding our heads high, staying positive and setting goals to improve ourselves and fight everyday, we have the power to inspire others with our without Parkinson’s. These are some of the lessons I have learned in different roles throughout my life that I have been able to apply since my Parkinson’s diagnosis to get and stay active.
Everyone, whether or not they have Parkinson’s disease, can benefit from becoming physically active and continuously setting goals. Use your Parkinson’s as a tool to inspire other friends and family to get moving with you. They will have no excuse.
By inspiring others, you will become a hero. Your friends and family will admire you, rather than feel sorry for you (which is the worst). As you begin to see yourself as the hero of your story, you will tackle your challenges like the hero that you are.

I hope that you can use some lessons I have learned and perhaps share some things that have helped you.
- Gratitude is the foundation
- Think of yourself as the hero of your story
- Focus on the positive, make the negative irrelevant
- Actively search for things you like about your chosen activity-write them down
- Finish every workout on a positive note
- Suffering with friends is more fun
- Set achievable goals and celebrate their accomplishment
- Find the humor in your faults
- Think optimistically about your future
- The Off-Season: Take some downtime each year